San Francisco Maps


Buried ships along San Francisco`s waterfront
– Map Reveals Ships Buried Below San Francisco
San Francisco had the 1906 earthquake not happened 
How Silicon Valley residents see the United States (1986)
Detailed Cold War-era Soviet military map of the San Francisco Bay area (1980)
Silicon Valley (1982)


– The U.S. States with economies smaller than the San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco zoning map (January 2017)
Mapping Displacement and Gentrification in the San Francisco Bay Area
America’s great housing divide: Are you a winner or loser?
Tech Companies in Silicon Valley
The disappearance of San Francisco’s middle-class neighborhoods (1990 – 2010)


– San Francisco transit accessibility
– Animated optimal routes from San Francisco to 2000 locations in the United States
– Uber & Lyft in San Francisco
On and Off the street grid: relative distributions of road orientations
Mapping female versus male street names
Heat map of 2,600 online responses from an online tool asking people to draw where they think new subway lines should be built in San Francisco 
– San Francisco: An isochronous map for public transportation
– Animated marine traffic in the San Francisco Bay
– Map of San Francisco by geotagged tweets (2009-2013)
– San Francisco Bay Area approximate median household income by BART Stop


– San Francisco’s Hidden Etymologies
San Francisco Hipsters
Where hipsters thrive and you can’t hide
–  San Francisco neighborhoods

Crime maps

San Francisco violent crimes, hot spot analysis (2003 – 2015)
High injury network San Francisco Map


San Francisco noise complaints (2010 – 2013)
Animated noise complaint maps


– Educational Attainment in San Francisco

Real estate

Coloring San Francisco’s streets by a suffix
– San Francisco’s Housing Crisis
Every Home Owner and Renter in San Francisco
– Unused building height allowance in San Francisco
Bay Area homes valued above $1 million
Mapping the extraordinary cost of homes in California
Evictions in San Francisco (2016)
– 3D Population Density Inspector
– No-Fault Evictions in San Francisco 1997 – 2017 by Neighborhood
– San Francisco’s Housing Crisis
Every Home Owner and Renter in San Francisco
– Unused building height allowance in San Francisco
Bay Area homes valued above $1 million
Mapping the extraordinary cost of homes in California
Evictions in San Francisco (2016)
– 3D Population Density Inspector
– No-Fault Evictions in San Francisco 1997 – 2017 by Neighborhood

Satellite images & LIDAR data

Satellite bird’s eye view of San Francisco
Microstates vs San Francisco Bay
– San Francisco LIDAR data

Ethnic maps

– The racial diversity of San Francisco