ImmigrationMigration maps

Most Common country of origin of Legal Permanent Immigrants by U.S. state

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In total numbers, the U.S. has a larger foreigner population than any other nation, with 47 million immigrants as of 2015. This describes 19.1 percent of the 244 million global migrants and 14.4 percent of the United States population. Present newcomers reside predominantly in 7 states: California, New York, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Illinois, covering about 44 percent of the United States population as a whole.

Most Common country of origin of Legal Permanent Immigrants

Most Common country of origin of Legal Permanent Immigrants (2017)

  1. Mexico – 11,5 million
  2. China – 2,6 million
  3. India – 2,3 million
  4. Phillippines – 1,9 million
  5. El Salvador – 1,3 million
  6. Vietnam – 1,3 million
  7. Cuba – 1,2 million
  8. South Korea – 1,1 million
  9. Dominican Republic – 1,1 million
  10. Guatemala – 0,9 million
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