Ethnic maps

The Most Common Ethnicity of White Americans in Every U.S. County

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White Americans, also known as European Americans, are a diverse group with ancestry, primarily tracing back to Europe. They make up the largest racial group in the United States and have contributed significantly to the country’s history, culture, and development.

The map of the United States below shows the most common ethnicity of white Americans in every U.S. County, according to the Census Bureau Data.

White Americans ancestry

According to the map, the historical ethnic distribution of White Americans in different regions of the United States looks as follows.

  • Northeastern United States:
    • States like New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts have historically had significant populations of Italian Americans, Irish Americans, and Polish Americans.
    • Irish Americans played a significant role in cities like Boston and New York.
    • Italian Americans are prominent in places like New York City and Philadelphia.
  • Southern United States:
    • English Americans have had a strong historical presence in the Southern states, particularly in places like Virginia and the Carolinas.
    • African American populations are also significant in the Southern states due to the legacy of slavery and the Great Migration.
  • Midwestern United States:
    • German Americans have historically been a dominant ethnic group in the Midwest, with strong concentrations in states like Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio.
    • Scandinavian Americans, including those of Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish descent, settled in states like Minnesota and the Dakotas.
    • Polish Americans settled in cities like Chicago and Detroit.
  • Western United States:
    • The West Coast has been influenced by a diverse range of ethnicities, including English, German, Irish, Italian, and Hispanic Americans.
    • Hispanic Americans, particularly of Mexican descent, have a significant presence in states like California, Texas, and Arizona.
  • Mountain West and Rocky Mountain States:
    • These regions have a mix of ethnicities, with English, German, and Irish Americans being common, alongside Hispanic and Native American populations.
  • Pacific Northwest:
    • The Pacific Northwest has been influenced by various groups, including English, German, Irish, and Scandinavian Americans.

Here is the top of the most common ancestry or ethnic groups among White Americans in the United States who have European descent.

  1. German Americans: Germans have historically been one of the largest ethnic groups in the United States. Many German immigrants arrived in the 18th and 19th centuries, and their descendants have played a significant role in shaping American society and culture.
  2. Irish Americans: Irish immigrants began arriving in large numbers during the mid-19th century, fleeing the Irish Potato Famine. Today, Irish Americans remain a prominent ethnic group with a strong cultural influence.
  3. English Americans: English settlers were among the earliest to arrive in what would become the United States. While they may not have a distinct cultural identity like some other groups, their historical influence is significant.
  4. Italian Americans: Large-scale Italian immigration occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Italian Americans have made notable contributions to various aspects of American society, including food, music, and business.
  5. Polish Americans: Polish immigrants began arriving in significant numbers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They’ve established vibrant communities and have contributed to various fields.
  6. French Americans: French influence in the United States dates back to the colonial era. French Americans can have roots in various regions of France, including French Canadians.
  7. Scottish Americans: Scottish immigrants have a long history in the United States, with contributions in areas like education, business, and science.
  8. Scandinavian Americans: This includes people of Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish descent. Scandinavian immigrants came to the U.S. in waves and settled primarily in the Midwest.
  9. Dutch Americans: Dutch settlers played a role in early American history, particularly in places like New York.
  10. Russian and Eastern European Americans: Immigrants from Russia and Eastern Europe, including countries like Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic states, have contributed to the ethnic diversity of White Americans.

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