
Railroad maps of Germany

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Germany has a railway network of 38 thousand kilometers of which 20 thousand kilometers electrified and 18,201 kilometers double track.

German railway network

Massive aerial bombing during World War II left the German rail network seriously damaged. Furthermore, the political division of Germany into West and East cut the mainly east-west oriented railroad network, forcing a north-south reorientation in what was then West Germany. The West German federal administration developed a general plan for the entire transportation infrastructure including railroads. The Deutsche Bundesbahn component envisaged 2225 kilometer on new lines supporting speeds up to 300 km/h and development of a further 1250 km for speeds up to 2000 km/h.

High Speed German Railroad Transport System
Klaus Ebeling

How long it takes to travel from Berlin by train

The map below shows travel times from Berlin 1906 vs 2015.

Map of travel times in Berlin 1906 vs 2015

Now you can get from Berlin to London in 14 hours.

How long it takes to travel from Berlin by train
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