Real estate

Renting on minimum wage in Sydney

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The map below presents a full-time minimum salary worker will be able to afford to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Sydney.

The number of hours per week a minimum wage employee needs to work to rent a one-bedroom unit in Sidney

Renting on minimum wage in Sydney
The Sydney Morning Gerald

Minimum salary workers will receive a 2.5% pay rise to $17.29 an hour, which suggests a full-time worker on this salary can afford to pay up to $197 a week on a residence, according to the 30% test.

To rent in The Rocks, a minimum salary earner would need to work seven days a week and 22 hours a day.

Workers would only need to work 33 hours a week to rent in the most affordable suburb (Llandilo). But then they would be living almost kilometers from Sydney center.

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