Real estate

The Most and least expensive U.S. states to rent a home

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2017 Two-bedroom rental home housing wage
Represents the hourly wage that a householder must earn (working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year) in order to afford the Fair Market Rent for a tow-bedroom rental home, without paying more than 30% of their income.

2017 Two-bedroom rental home housing wage


2017 hours at minimum-wage needed to afford a one-bedroom rental home
In only 12 US counties can a full-time worker earning the prevailing federal or state minimum-wage afford a one-bedroom rental home at the Fair Market Rent, without paying more than 30% of their income. Only 0.1% of renter households reside in these areas. 76.4% of renter households reside in a county or metro area where a minimum-wage worker must work more than 60 hours per week.


Minimum hourly wage needed to afford a two-bedroom apartment rent across the US (2018)

Minimum hourly wage needed to afford a two-bedroom apartment rent across the United States

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2015 Two-bedroom rental unit housing wage

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