Historical Maps

A proposed 4-way partition of Japan following World War 2

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The map represents the proposal of the possible partition of Japan as a result of defeating Japan in the Second World War into territories controlled by different powers, something pretty similar to what happened in Germany.

A proposed 4-way partition of Japan following World War 2

It was supposed to divide Japan into the following six regions:

  • Tokyo, with control, shared between the United States, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, and the Soviet Union.
  • Osaka with jointly control by the United States and the Taiwan (the Republic of China).
  • Hokkaidō, Kuril Islands, and northern Honshū, with control by the Soviet Union.
  • Ryūkyū Islands and the central part of Honshū, are controlled by the United States.
  • Shikoku with control by the (the Republic of China).
  • Kyūshū and western part of Honshū controlled by the United Kingdom.

The proposal wasn’t implemented, and Japan remained under the dominion of the United States after World War II.

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