Economic maps

Percent of U.S. Population Working Outside State of Residence

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In 2019, the average one-way commute in the U.S. increased to 27.6 minutes. For comparison, in 2006, the average voyage time for the country was 25.0 minutes. The rise of about 2.6 minutes between 2006 and 2019 shows a growth of about 10 percent over 14 years.

In 2006, 14.8 percent of commuters said voyage times of less than 10 minutes; this group dropped to 11.9% by 2019. Contrariwise, the percentage of employees reporting 60 minutes or longer commutes rose from 7.9 percent in 2006 to 9.8 percent in 2019.

The prevalence of employees, about 57 percent, left for work between 6:00 a.m. and 8:29 a.m. Among this group, those departing between 6:00 a.m. and 6:29 a.m. registered the longest average travel time to work at 32.8 minutes.

The most extended average travel times were connected with different forms of public transportation. For instance, employees who traveled to work by bus had an average commute of 46.6 minutes.

According to the American Community Survey, about 4.5 million workers (about 2.9% of workers) work outside of their state of residence.

Below is the map of the percentage of the American population working outside their state of residence created by Reddit user BroIBeliveAtYou.

Percent of American Population Working Outside State of Residence Mapped

Top 10 U.S. Counties by the percentage of the population working outside of their states

  1. Russell County, AL (54.06%)
  2. Clay County, MN (53.45%)
  3. Lawrence Co, OH (53.32%)
  4. Gates County, NC (52.06%)
  5. Scott County, VA (51.57%)
  6. Dade County, GA (51.28%)
  7. Wilkin County, MN (49.30%)
  8. DeSoto Co, MS (49.19%)
  9. Catoosa Co, GA (48.83%)
  10. Miller County, AR (48.20%)

Top 10 U.S. Counties by the number of the population working outside of their states

  1. Prince George’s Co, MD (183,854)
  2. Montgomery Co, MD (125,966)
  3. Hudson County, NJ (109,484)
  4. Fairfax County, Virginia (107,765)
  5. Bergen County, NJ (101,173)
  6. District of Columbia (78,581)
  7. Fairfield County, CT (69,547)
  8. Jackson County, MO (63,399)
  9. Clark County, WA (60,431)
  10. Providence Co, RI (58,874)

Top 10 U.S. States by percentage of the population working outside of their states

  1. District of Columbia (13.51%)
  2. Rhode Island (13.32%)
  3. New Hampshire (12.43%)
  4. West Virginia (12.36%)
  5. Delaware (12.00%)
  6. Maryland (11.07%)
  7. New Jersey (9.23%)
  8. Mississippi (7.95%)
  9. Kansas (6.02%)
  10. Connecticut (5.93%)
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