Historical Maps

US Population Growth Mapped

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At the moment, about 328 million people are living in the U.S, a nation that’s 9.84 million sq km (3.53 million square miles). But during the country’s history, these numbers haven’t stayed fixed.

Population density map of what is now the United States (1492)

It isn’t easy to evaluate populations in the 15th century in America. Most indigenous people lived in small communities. But beginning in the 19th century, archaeology and the research of burials and the material remains of society helped determine native populations before European contact.
Approximations for North America have ranged from 3.8 million to 18 million. Most of the indigenous tribes of America lived along the rivers and on the coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

The Americas’ peoples had no resistance to Europeans’ diseases because the Americas’ populations had been primarily isolated from Europe. In that time, many deadly diseases evolved in the Old World (smallpox, the plague, measles). As a result, many indigenous peoples died from disease than in war with Europeans.

Population density of the United States in 1492
Reddit user: NelsonMinar

Animated map of population density in the U.S. (1790 – 2010)

The animated map of population density, made using Jonathan Schroeder’s county-level decadal estimates. Populations for intermediate years were interpolated by cubic splines to log-density; essentially, that means that it assumes a smooth change in the rate of growth for each county over time.

The Westward Expansion of the United States

The map below shows when each state reached its highest point as percentage of the U.S. population.

Map of peak state

Throughout the nineteenth century, more than one square mile (1.6 million km2) of land west of the Mississippi River was obtained by the federal government. This event led to Westward Expansion.

Population Density of the U.S. in Six Degrees (1890)

Population Density of the United States in 6 Degrees (1890)

Until the 20th century, the eastern states remained the most populous. But over the past century, the distribution of the population in the nation has changed dramatically. So in 1917, only 3.1 million people lived in California. After 100 years, the population of California increased by 504% to 39.9 million. Currently, the three most populous states in the US are California (39.5m), Texas (28.3m), and Florida (21m).

At present, the population’s median center continues to move to the southwest slowly (2.57 miles per year).

Animated map of population density in the U.S. (1990 – 2017)

Residents per square mile
1800 – 6.1
1850 – 7.9
1900 – 21.5
1950 – 42.6
2000 – 79.6
2017 – 92.2

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6 years ago

Are native American populations accounted for in these estimates?

6 years ago
Reply to  kdschu

Nope. It’s the map of Westward Expansion of the United States.

Michael Link
Michael Link
5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Hey Alex. Great work on this map! Any chance you could share the data? I am working on a project that maps the interaction of settlers, native americans, and the railroad. Any help would be appreciated 🙂

Michael Link
Michael Link
5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Hey Alex! Great work. I am working on a project that explores the interaction of settlers, native americans, and the railroad. Any chance you could share some of this source data? Anything would be greatly appreciated!

6 years ago

Nope. It’s the map of Westward Expansion of the United States.

Jonathan Schroeder
Jonathan Schroeder
4 years ago

For those asking for source data, Alex based his annual estimates on my decadal estimates, which are available here: https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/181605.

And yes, these estimates are limited to population covered by the U.S. Census, which omitted many/most Native Americans until 1900 as well as any population in non-U.S. territory.

5 years ago

Population Density Of The 13 American Colonies In 1775

comment image

5 years ago

This is shameful. Apparently, only European colonists count as people.

15 days ago
Reply to  Handala

It’s because Indians were not citizens of the United States.

5 years ago

It’s like watching the growth of a bacterial colony in a petri dish, or the spreading of a metastasizing cancer.

And God, what an anthill of humanity that Boston-to-DC corridor has become! I can’t imagine myself living in that urban shitheap; I’d off myself first.

Rob Fritts
Rob Fritts
5 years ago

– Can you share a link to your source data and, hopefully, your interpolated data as well? Understand if want to suppress the interpolation work. I’d like to work with this data in R and Tableau to test different pop growth models and to experiment with different visuals where change is happening the fastest and include an annotated historical timeline. Of interest just from looking at this are the sweep of people across the south in an arc, the forced removal of Native Americans (correlated with pop migration?), the western expansion in late 1800s and settling of Oklahoma, then looking east again, seeing some declines in the south. There are a lot of stories there to explore. If you have the workbook in a Tableau Public gallery, please share that as well so I can cite it as resource/reference.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rob Fritts

Assumed linear or exponential growth between census years.

The native population that was there would not be represented by this map. 90 percent of the native population was wiped out in the 1700s.

2 years ago


ur mom
1 year ago

vey nice

ur mom
1 year ago

It’s like watching the growth of a bacterial colony in a petri dish, or the spreading of a metastasizing cancer.
And God, what an anthill of humanity that Boston-to-DC corridor has become! I can’t imagine myself living in that urban shitheap; I’d off myself first.

11 months ago

love the work

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