

Exotic Animal Laws by U.S. State Mapped

Four U.S. states have no law restrictions on keeping dangerous wild animals as pets (Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin). Six states regulate having hazardous animals as pets (Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Delaware, and Oklahoma). Twenty-one U.S. states outlaw all dangerous exotic animals, while the rest need permissions. Thirty-five states forbid holding hazardous animals as pets, with differing exceptions and demands.

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Drone Privacy Laws Around the World Mapped

The global drone industry is projected to double over the next five years, from $22.5 billion in 2020 to $42.8 billion in 2025. Lawmakers are struggling to keep up with the advancing technology. And while at least 143 nations have enacted some form of drone-related regulation, many experts contend that current drone regulation is lacking to deal with the threat of widespread surveillance.

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Abortion Law in the world

Abortion has been controversial in many societies on religious, moral, ethical, practical, and political grounds throughout history. Almost 2/3 of the world’s women currently reside in countries where abortion may be obtained on request for a broad range of social, economic, or personal reasons.

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