Economic maps

The Cost to Mine Different Cryptocurrencies In Every Country Mapped

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The level of interest in cryptocurrencies varies greatly across the world. But the cost of mining cryptocurrency may be the difference between profit and loss for miners, and the difference between a booming new industry and a missed opportunity for national economies.

In this project, the 911 Metallurgist calculated the cost to mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin in every country in the world. With these figures in hand, the team could determine the profitability of mining these digital currencies around the globe.


To determine the cost to mine different cryptocurrencies in every country, the 911 Metallurgist team calculated the electricity requirements and cost of electricity for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin.

First, they found the cost of electricity in every country and U.S. state. Data on the cost of electricity came from the World Bank,, and the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Second, they found the days and wattage required to mine each coin on various miners from CoinWarz. This included the wattage required to mine Bitcoin with the Bitman S19 XP, Bitcoin with the Avalon 1246 90T, Bitcoin with the T3+50T, Ethereum with the Jasminer X4 ETCHASH SERVER, Ethereum with the Jasminer X4-1U ETCHASH SERVER, Ethereum with the Jasminer X4 ETCHASH BRICK, Dogecoin with the Bitmain Antminer L7, Dogecoin with the Goldshell LT5, Dogecoin with the Goldshell Mini-Doge Miner. We took the middle estimate among the miners for each coin as the wattage and number of days required to mine one unit of each cryptocurrency.

Combining the cost of electricity in every country and state, the wattage required to run each cryptocurrency miner, and the number of days required to mine 1 coin on each miner, the 911 Metallurgist team calculated the cost of mining each cryptocurrency in every country and U.S. state.

Data on the value of each cryptocurrency used to determine profitability came from Google Finance and is current as of March 23, 2022.

The Most and Least Expensive Countries to Mine Cryptocurrencies

As crypto refugees escape China in search of greener pastures, the cost of mining cryptocurrency may be the difference between profit and loss for miners, and the difference between a booming new industry and a missed opportunity for national economies.

Just as the level of interest in cryptocurrencies varies in every country all around the world, so does the cost of mining them. Electricity is the hardest to get and the most expensive in isolated island nations, while the cost of mining Ethereum can differ by more than $1,000 depending on where you are in the world. Though at current prices, it is still a profitable venture in every country.

In the energy-rich countries of Africa and the Middle East, crypto users can mine Dogecoin for less than a nickel. The least costly nation to mine cryptocurrencies overall is Kuwait. However, the most expensive country for crypto mining is across the globe in Venezuela.

Cost to Mine Cryptocurrencies Top 10 Countries Most and Least mapped

The Cost to Mine One Bitcoin Around The World

With skyrocketing energy requirements, the cost to mine 1 Bitcoin can differ by more than $200,000, depending on where you are in the world. In Venezuela, the cost to mine 1 Bitcoin is $246,530.74 and isn’t close to being profitable. In Kuwait, however, the electricity cost of mining 1 Bitcoin is just $1,393.95, the least of any country.

Cost to Mine Bitcoin World Map
The Cost to Mine One Bitcoin in Every U.S. state

When mining Bitcoin, a difference of a few pennies in the price of electricity per kilowatt-hour can be the difference between profit and loss. While Bitcoin is profitable to mine in all the mainland U.S., in Hawaii, the cost to mine 1 Bitcoin amounts to $54,862 -making Bitcoin mining unprofitable in the state at current prices.

Cost to Mine Bitcoin in the United States
The 10 Least Expensive U.S. States to Mine One Bitcoin
RankCountryCost of mining 1 Bitcoin (USD)
10North Dakota16986.33
The 10 Most Expensive U.S. States to Mine One Bitcoin
RankCountryCost of mining 1 Bitcoin (USD)
4Rhode Island36919.87
7New Hampshire33116.37
9New York29611.57
10New Jersey27142.28

The Cost to Mine One Ethereum Around The World

When a cryptocurrency requires days of mining at a high wattage to yield just one unit, differences in the cost of electricity can quickly add up. The cost of mining Ethereum ranges from $5.87 a unit in Kuwait to $1,038.50 in Venezuela. Still, at current prices, mining Ethereum is profitable in every country.

Cost to Mine Ethereum World Map
The Cost to Mine One Ethereum in Every U.S. state

Ethereum is the cheapest to mine in Louisiana, where the cost of electricity required to mine 1 unit of Ethereum is just $63.00. Meanwhile, in Hawaii, the cost of mining 1 unit of Ethereum comes out to $231.10, the most of any state.

While the cost of mining Ethereum fluctuates throughout the country, it is currently profitable to mine in every state.

Cost to Mine-Ethereum in the United States
The 10 Least Expensive U.S. States to Mine One Ethereum
RankCountryCost of mining 1 Ethereum (USD)
10North Dakota71.55436
The 10 Most Expensive U.S. States to Mine One Ethereum
RankCountryCost of mining 1 Ethereum (USD)
4Rhode Island155.5238
7New Hampshire139.5016
9New York124.7378
10New Jersey114.336

The Cost to Mine One Dogecoin Around The World

With the cheapest electricity in the world, computer users in Kuwait can mine 1 Dogecoin for just $0.01. Meanwhile, citizens of Venezuela must shell out $1.36 for the electricity required to mine 1 Dogecoin. At current prices, Dogecoin is unprofitable to mine in about two-thirds of countries.

Cost to Mine Dogecoin Mapped
The Cost to Mine One Dogecoin in Every U.S. state

Dogecoin is one of the cheaper cryptocurrencies to mine, requiring about 1 kWh of electricity on the typical miner. But while the cost to mine 1 Dogecoin in Hawaii is only 22 more cents than in Louisiana, costs can add up, and a few pennies can be the difference between profit and loss. In the 12 states where electricity is more expensive than 12 cents per kilowatt-hour, mining Dogecoin on a typical miner is an unprofitable venture.

Cost to Mine Dogecoin in the United States
The 10 Least Expensive U.S. States to Mine One Dogcoin
RankCountryCost of mining 1 Dogecoin (USD)
10North Dakota0.093972
The 10 Most Expensive U.S. States to Mine One Dogcoin
RankCountryCost of mining 1 Dogecoin (USD)
4Rhode Island0.204248
7New Hampshire0.183206
9New York0.163817
10New Jersey0.150156
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2 years ago

I didn’t catch up why they missed Georgia as the shippest

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