Crime mapsInteractive mapsSlider Hate Group Map of the U.S. February 17, 2017 Alex This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.917 hate groups are currently operating in the United States. Track them below with Hate Map. Related Posts:Mapped: What the Boogeyman Looks Like Across the GlobeMap of the largest Hispanic ethnic group in each U.S. countyPredominant ancestry in the U.S.The Best Scratch Off Maps In 2024Maps of the United StatesHate groups by U.S. stateDifferences between the United States and Europe mappedHistorical Maps of the United States and North America
Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group.
Spot on Bill. This is a Leftist FOR PROFIT organization designed to instill fear in ill informed and otherwise well meaning Americans through the use of propaganda and outrageous exaggerations. This is just one article calling them to account and exposing them. Here is another: And one more for good measure. Check them all out: