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World Muslim Population

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The world’s Islamic community has grown to over 2 billion followers as of 2024, representing about 27% of the global population. This demographic shift has reshaped the religious landscape across continents, making Islam the world’s fastest-growing major religion.

The world map poster below shows the Muslim population around the world.

Map poster of the world

The geographic distribution of Muslim populations reveals interesting patterns. While Islam remains the predominant religion throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and large parts of Asia, Muslim communities have established a significant presence across every continent.

World map of Muslim population

Looking at the Islamic denominational landscape, Sunni Islam represents the majority, with approximately 1.8 billion followers worldwide (87-90% of all Muslims). Shia Muslims, concentrated primarily in Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Bahrain, number around 260-280 million followers (10-13% of the global Muslim population).

Key Demographics by Denomination:
DenominationPopulation, billionsPercentage

The map below shows 50% of the world’s Muslim population in the world lives in five countries.

Half of Muslims live only in 5 countries

Perhaps surprisingly, South Asia hosts the largest concentration of Muslims globally, with approximately one-third of all Muslims living in this region. Indonesia maintains its position as the country with the largest Muslim population, home to about 13% of the world’s Muslims (231 million people). Meanwhile, India’s Muslim population has grown to nearly 220 million, making it the largest Muslim-minority nation globally.

Top 5 Countries by Muslim Population:

  1. Indonesia: 231 million
  2. Pakistan: 212 million
  3. India: 220 million
  4. Bangladesh: 153 million
  5. Nigeria: 108 million

For those interested in displaying these fascinating geographic patterns, here are some high-quality world map poster options available on Amazon:

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