Environment maps

Terrestrial Ecoregions of North America

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Terrestrial ecoregions of North America collectively form a diverse and complex tapestry of ecosystems and habitats across the continent. These ecoregions are characterized by their unique combination of climate, geology, topography, and biodiversity.

North America is home to a wide range of ecoregions, from the lush rainforests of the Pacific Northwest to the arid deserts of the southwestern United States and Mexico, and from the expansive boreal forests of Canada to the tropical rainforests of Central America. These ecoregions play a crucial role in maintaining the continent’s ecological balance and sustaining a variety of plant and animal species.

According to Taylor H. Ricketts there are 161 ecoregions in Northe America.

Ecoregions of North America

1. Hawaiian Moist Forests
2. South Florida Rocklands
3. Puerto Rican Moist Forests (not shown, major part of the island)
4. Hawaiian Dry Forests
5. Puerto Rican Moist Forests (not shown, southern edge of the island)
6. Willamette Valley Forests
7. Western Great lakes Forests
8. Eastern Forest/Boreal Transition
9. Upper Midwest Forest/Savanna Transition Zone
10. Southern Great Lakes Forests
11. Eastern Great Lakes Lowland Forests
12. New England/Acadian Forests
13. Gulf of St. Lawrence Lowland Forests
14. Northeastern Coastal Forests
15. Allegheny Highlands Forests
16. Appalachian/Blue Ridge Forests
17. Appalachian Mixed Mesophytic Forests
18. Central U.S. Hardwood Forests
19. Ozark Mountain Forests
20. Mississippi Lowland Forests
21. East Central Texas Forests
22. Southeastern Mixed Forests
23. Northern Pacific Coastal Forests
24. Queen Charlotte Islands
25. Central British Columbia Mountain Forests
26. Alberta Mountain Forests
27. Fraser Plateau and Basin Complex
28. Northern Transitional Alpine Forests
29. Alberta/British Columbia Foothills Forests
30. North Central Rockies Forests
31. Okanagan Dry Forests
32. Cascades Mountains Leeward Forests
33. British Columbia Mainland Coastal Forests
34. Central Pacific Coastal Forests
35. Puget Lowland Forests
36. Central and Southern Cascades Forests
37. Eastern Cascades Forests
38. Blue Mountains Forests
39. Klamath-Siskiyou Forests
40. Northern California Coastal Forests
41. Sierra Nevada Forests
42. Great Basin Montane Forests
43. South Central Rockies Forests
44. Wasatch and Uinta Montane Forests
45. Colorado Rockies Forests
46. Arizona Mountains Forests
47. Madrean Sky Islands Montane Forests
48. Piney Woods Forests
49. Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens
50. Middle Atlantic Coastal Forests
51. Southeastern Conifer Forests
52. Florida Sand Pine Scrub
53. Palouse Grasslands
54. California Central Valley Grasslands
55. Canadian Aspen Forest and Parklands
56. Northern Mixed Grasslands
57. Montana Valley and Foothill Grasslands
58. Northwestern Mixed Grasslands (Northern short grasslands)
59. Northern Tall Grasslands
60. Central Tall Grasslands
61. Flint Hills Tall Grasslands
62. Nebraska Sand Hills Mixed Grasslands
63. Western Short Grasslands
64. Central and Southern Mixed Grasslands
65. Central Forests/Grassland Transition Zone
66. Edwards Plateau Savannas
67. Texas Blackland Prairies
68. Western Gulf Coastal Grasslands
69. Everglades
70. California Interior Chaparral and Woodlands
71. California Montane Chaparral and Woodlands
72. California Coastal Sage and Chaparral
73. Hawaiian High Shrublands
74. Hawaiian Low Shrublands
75. Snake/Columbia Shrub Steppe
76. Great Basin Shrub Steppe
77. Wyoming Basin Shrub Steppe
78. Colorado Plateau Shrublands
79. Mojave Desert
80. Sonoran Desert
81. Chihuahuan Desert
82. Tamaulipan Mezquital
83. Interior Alaska/Yukon Lowland Taiga
84. Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga
85. Cook Inlet Taiga
86. Copper Plateau Taiga
87. Northwest Territories Taiga
88. Yukon Interior Dry Forests
89. Northern Cordillera Forests
90. Muskwa/Slave Lake Forests
91. Northern Canadian Shield Taiga
92. Mid-Continental Canadian Shield Forests
93. Midwestern Canadian Shield Forests
94. Central Canadian Shield Forests
95. Southern Hudson Bay Taiga
96. Eastern Canadian Shield Taiga
97. Eastern Canadian Forests
98. Newfoundland Highland Forests
99. South Avalon-Burin Oceanic Barrens
100. Aleutian Islands Tundra
101. Beringia Lowland Tundra
102. Beringia Upland Tundra
103. Alaska/St. Elias Range Tundra
104. Pacific Coastal Mountain Tundra & Ice Fields
105. Interior Yukon/Alaska Alpine Tundra
106. Ogilvie/MacKenzie Alpine Tundra
107. Brooks/British Range Tundra
108. Arctic Foothills Tundra
109. Arctic Coastal Tundra
110. Low Arctic Tundra
111. Middle Arctic Tundra
112. High Arctic Tundra
113. Davis Highlands Tundra
114. Baffin Coastal Tundra
115. Torngat Mountain Tundra
116. Permanent Ice
117. Sierra Juarez & San Pedro Martir Pine-Oak Forests
118. Sierra de la Laguna Pine-Oak Forests
119. Sierra Madre Occidental Pine-Oak Forests
120. Sierra Madre Oriental Oak-Pine Forests
121. Trans-Mexican Vocanic Belt Pine-Oak Forests
122. Peten-Veracruz Moist Forests
123. Yucatan Moist Forests
124. Sierra de los Tuxtlas
125. Sierra Madre de Chiapas Moist Forests
126. Oaxacan Montane Forests
127. Veracruz Moist Forests
128. Chiapas Montane Forests
129. Chimalapas Montane Forests
130. Pantanos de Centla
131. Sierra de la Laguna Dry Forests
132. Sinaloan Dry Forests
133. Veracruz Montane Forests
134. Jalisco Dry Forests
135. Bajio Dry Forests
136. Balsas Dry Forests
137. Southern Pacific Dry Forests
138. Chiapas Depression Dry Forests
139. Central American Dry Forests
140. Veracruz Dry Forests
141. Yucatan Dry Forests
142. Islas Revillagigedo Dry Forests (not shown)
143. Tamaulipan Pastizal
144. Central Mexican Wetlands (not shown, too small)
145. Zacatonal (not shown, too small)
146. San Lucan Xeric Scrub
147. Baja California Dersert
148. Gulf of California Xeric Scrub
149. Meseta Central Matorral
150. Central Mexican Matorral
151. Tehuacan Valley Matorral
152. Mangroves
153. Sierra Madre del Sur Pine-Oak Forests
154. Sierra Madre de Oaxaca Pine-Oak Forests
155. Central American Montane Forests
156. Tamaulipan Matorral
157. Wyoming Basin Shrub Steppe
158. Leeward Islands Xeric Scrub
159. San Lucan Xeric Scrub
160. Tehuacán Valley Matorral
161/ Mangroves

The United States Environmental Protection Agency identifies 15 Level I macro-regions, 50 Level II ecoregions, and 182 Level III ecological regions in North America.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ecological ecoregions shown on the map poster below enhance regional environmental monitoring, assessment, and decision-making.

Map poster of ecoregions of North America

Conservation efforts in North America often focus on preserving and restoring these ecoregions to protect the diverse and often endangered species that call them home. These ecoregions also play a vital role in climate regulation, water resource management, and overall environmental health on the continent.

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5 years ago

Hi, could you provide the source/citation information for this map? Thanks!

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