Space Race 2024: Mapping Election Results on Mars and Moon
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Sometimes looking at things from a completely different perspective helps us see patterns we’d otherwise miss. After creating imaginary worlds where election results shaped the terrain – with Trump’s support rising as land and Harris’s forming seas (and vice versa) – I thought: why limit ourselves to Earth? Let’s take these election results to space.

Just as Elon Musk backed Trump’s bid for the presidency, Trump’s support across America shapes this Martian landscape. The higher the percentage of Trump voters in an area, the higher that region rises on our red planet’s surface. Trump’s strongest areas form towering Mons (mountains), while his weakest support creates deep Lacuses (Lakes).
The map reveals fascinating features: Trump’s Great Dorsum (ridge) stretches across rural America, while urban Democratic strongholds form Sinus (bays) and Lacus (lakes). In the midst of these Democratic waters, you’ll find Collis (islands) – areas where Trump maintained strong support despite being surrounded by Harris voters. Vast Republican territories spread across the Planum (plains).
Martian Features Guide:
- Mons: Mountain
- Chasma: Deep canyon
- Sinus: Bay
- Lacus: Lake
- Collis: Island
- Planum: Plain
- Planitia: Low plain
- Dorsum: Ridge
- Mensa: Flat-topped prominence

“That’s one small step…” turned into quite a stumble for Harris. Like the moon to her predecessor Biden’s sun, Harris’s support created a distinct lunar topology. Urban Democratic strongholds appear as Montes (mountain ranges) and Insula (islands), while Republican-leaning areas form vast Mare (seas).
Look closely and you’ll find Palus (small lunar seas) where Harris maintained moderate support, and dramatic Mare (seas) where her support dropped significantly.
Lunar Features Guide:
- Mons/Montes: Mountain/mountain range
- Mare: Sea
- Palus: Small mare
- Sinus: Bay
- Lacus: Lake
- Insula: Island
- Terra: Land
- Promontorium: Mountainous cape
This astronomical approach to election mapping might seem unusual, but it reveals clear patterns in how Americans voted. The Martian highlands show Trump’s rural strongholds, while Harris’s lunar peaks cluster around urban centers.
What does your local landscape look like on Mars or the Moon? Is your area a towering Mons or a deep Mare? Share what you notice in the comments below – I’m curious to hear your observations about these interplanetary political patterns.