
A World of Languages

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There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the earth today. The 23 of these languages are a mother tongue for more than fifty million people. The 23 languages make up the native tongue of 4.1 billion people. The infographic below represent each language within black borders and then give the numbers of native speakers (in millions) by country. The color of these countries displays how languages how taken root in many different regions 4.1 billion people.

A World of Languages

WordTips shows the one hundred most commonly used languages on our planet, the number of native speakers for each spoken language, and the origin tree that each language in the world has branched out.

The 100 Most-Spoken Languages in the World

The Top Ten Languages by Total Speakers

  1. English – 1.13 billion
  2. Mandarin Chinese – 1.12 billion
  3. Hindi – 0.62 billion
  4. Spanish – 0.53 billion
  5. French – 0.28 billion
  6. Arabic – 0.27 billion
  7. Bengali – 0.27 billion
  8. Russian – 0.26 billion
  9. Portuguese – 0.23 billion
  10. Indonesian – 0.20 billion

The Top Ten Languages in the World by Native Speakers

  1. Mandarin Chinese – 0.92 billion
  2. Spanish – 0.46 billion
  3. English – 0.38 billion
  4. Hindi – 0.34 billion
  5. Bengali – 0.23 billion
  6. Portuguese – 0.22 billion
  7. Russian – 0.15 billion
  8. Japanese – 0.13 billion
  9. Western Punjabi – 0.93 billion
  10. Marathi – 0.83 billion

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