

Wine around the world

Nowadays, wine is the most popular alcoholic beverage drunk worldwide. Generally produced from fermented grape extract, many civilizations have created and liked wine for thousands of years. The starting of wine production can be traced back to 6 thousand years BCE from the territories where Georgia and Armenia are now located.

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Alcohol purchasing by the U.S. state

Alcohol purchasing and consumption per capita also vary widely across U.S. states due to factors such as cultural norms, demographics, economic conditions, and regulations (each state has the authority to establish its own laws and regulations regarding the sale and consumption of alcohol). Keep in mind that the data might have changed since then. Generally, states with higher alcohol purchasing per capita might have more lenient alcohol regulations, a stronger drinking culture, or a higher concentration of tourists.

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Environment mapsFood

The Colors of Global Food Security

Food security is a highly complex issue that requires a systems view integrating multiple dimensions and aspects of the food system. Food availability, quality, access, utilization, and the stability of each of these components depend on agricultural production, employment, poverty, economic growth, climate, human health, biodiversity loss, water, pollution, consumption, and societal norms

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