
The UK public transport system mapped

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The first roads on the British Isles appeared during the Iron Age. Then the network of engineered roads was extended during the Roman colonization. The most intensive road construction has taken place from the 1950s to the 1990s.

Today the United Kingdom has a road system totaling approximately 262.3 thousand miles (422. 1 thousand kilometers) of asphalted roads:

  • Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales): 246.5 thousand miles or 396.7 thousand kilometers
  • Northern Ireland: 15.8 thousand miles or 25.5 thousand kilometers.

Nowadays, a unified numbering system is in place for Great Britain, while in Northern Ireland, there is no applicable information for allocating road numbers. Below is the map of Great British roads, colored by their numbers, created by @Iawmatthew.

Road numbering in Great Britain
UK road numbers
London Transport Travel Times

London is the central hub for the British Isles in air, rail, and road transport. In 14 hours, you can reach the most remote corners of the British Isles from London. The map below created by Reddit user gmilloue shows minimum travel time from London by car.

Map of minimum jorney time from London by car

According to the British Department for Transport, Londoners have the longest average commute in the nation, which is 74 minutes a day. The interactive map below shows the journey time for London.

The journey time for London mapped

The interactive map below shows you settlements of the United Kingdom that you can reach with public transport.

The journey time for London by public transport mapped
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