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TrumpLand and Clinton Archipelago

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Hillary Clinton got nearly 2.9 million more votes than Donald Trump did. Still, Donald Trump called the majority in the Electoral College and won upset victories in the key Rust Belt region. Finally, Donald Trump got 304 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton just 227.

The maps below were created using IDW (Inverse distance weighted) technique in ArcGIS.


A map without labels

Clinton Archipelago

A map without labels

Alex Egoshin,

Related post:
– 2016 U.S. presidential election results in three maps

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5 years ago

I look forward to the 2020 update!

Toms Setlock
Toms Setlock
5 years ago

Lot of funny looking bodies of water on that map. Looks abnormal.

5 years ago

The Cretaceous Period (145 to 66 million years ago) seashore in Alabama vs how Alabama voted in the 2016 election

comment image

To provide some context the Cretaceous Period seashore would develop into some of the richest farmland in the US thanks to the seashore pushing rocks deep and leaving behind rich deposits in really loose soil which lead to the development of the cotton industry in this area which, of course lead to large plantations with slaves whose decedents remain in this area.

Scott Andrews
Scott Andrews
8 years ago

Okay… I have just one question: Where can I buy a large copy of these two maps?! This is amazing!

Paul Richards
Paul Richards
8 years ago

Wonderful representation. Obama/Clinton: globalistic, borderless society and ‘spread the wealth around.’ Trump: nationalistic ‘build a wall’ society and keep what you earn because of lower taxes. Since we know the actual voting was about 50-50, it is clear that globalists and socialists live in areas of high population density, while the opposite is true of nationalists and capitalists. I’m glad I live in Trumpland!

Jeanne Tucker
Jeanne Tucker
8 years ago
Reply to  Paul Richards

Why? Is a low-population, primarily agricultural nation how you foresee making a better future? Are you a no-growth proponent? Capitalism must have growth to survive. What happens when your low population area becomes a high population area?

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeanne Tucker

What happens When those agricultural folks stop feeding you? Clothing you? Repairing your car? You can’t grow without food. Office dwellers don’t stop and think about the value of those mechanics, factory workers, farmers, seamstresses, the oil and gas industries, electric companies, etc. It’s all about “growth”. What happens when we become a high population area? We will eat, drive, make our own clothing, produce our own fuel, etc. What happens to the high population areas if we STOP doing what we do? You don’t eat, drive, etc…Next question…

8 years ago

I live on “Cumberland Island” apparently. Why Cumberland? That’s not a place name around here.

Bobby Ballsack
Bobby Ballsack
2 years ago
Reply to  rodii

Do you live in Cumberland County, ME?

8 years ago

I would like to see the 2016 election results as per the “Electoral college reform (fifty states with equal population)” map to see if that experiment would result differently.

8 years ago

just makes me snicker. that is a beautiful depiction of the sea-change in American politics.

magilla gorilla
magilla gorilla
8 years ago

3000 something counties went trump. 300 something counties went clinton. push them into the sea or into the see

8 years ago

Electoral College, this is why.

8 years ago

Alex – Great work! Do you happen to have the land size calculations? Also including Alaska and Hawaii? Thanks! Gale
[email protected]

8 years ago

Now do one for CrimeLand and HerpesLand and WelfareLand and AbortionLand and layer them over Clinton Archipelago.

8 years ago
Reply to  truthbtold0000

Great response! I bet they’re congruent. You can toss in IdiotLand and MoochLand too…

8 years ago
Reply to  truthbtold0000

I suspect the correlations are high enough to render these additional layers superfluous.

CH Shannon
CH Shannon
8 years ago

Applying an elevation color ramp to percentage vote makes absolutely no sense. Just because you can apply an elevation color ramp to something doesn’t mean you should. For starters, we don’t live in feudal Europe – PEOPLE vote, acreage does. Secondly, even if you did weight things by land FEDERAL LAND SHOULD BE GRAYED OUT. So, for example, you should have huge empty spots in Nevada, Wyoming, etc. Finally, why is there no color ramp for “ocean?” Everything below 50% is one color.

8 years ago

TrumpLand looks like it suffered an episode of meteor bombardment.

8 years ago

If one was not aware of the outcome of the election, you’d assume Trump won by a landslide based in the “TrumpLand” map…which obviously isn’t the case. The vast majority of the US population lives on our coasts…west, east and south. And the electoral college will continue to be out of sync with the popular vote as long as we have winner take all states.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nooorm

If you look at a map showing county boundaries, the DJT results for electoral votes may have been higher if states were not winner-take-all. The central valley in CA and some northern districts would have been red. I think R vote in CA is depressed due to the strong D control of the state. Eh, what do i know?

Jeanne Tucker
Jeanne Tucker
8 years ago

What is the third map?

Span Ows
Span Ows
1 year ago

brilliant maps. thanks.

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