Historical MapsPolitical maps

A political map of the world (200 AD)

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In 200 CE, great religions spread along the trade roads of the Eastern Hemisphere. Meantime, one of the most populated cities in the entire world now thrives in the Western Hemisphere.

In Europe and Middeteranian, the Roman Empire is at its height but is just touching to enter its long decline. It has given its inhabitants two centuries of almost uninterrupted peace ranks as one of the most extended periods of peace in world history.

In East Asia, the Chinese Han empire was in abrupt decline and will not last much longer. The Han empire still controls eastern central Asia, notwithstanding its internal dizziness.

In South Asia, the Kushanas have replaced the Scythians in controlling a vast empire stretching from central Asia into India. Their state plays a notable role in world history by playing as the basis for the expanse of Buddhism to China and East Asia.

In the Middle East, another famous state whose deadline is fast approaching is the Parthian empire, which has controlled much of the Middle East for three hundred years.

To the west, the tiny land of Judaea has been the jumping-off point of the expanse of two influential religions. Christianity is getting millions of followers in the Roman and Parthian empires.

In Africa, trade connections are being spread in West Africa, where Berber merchants establish the trans-Saharan trade routes.

In Central America, the Mayan civilization is on the growth, while in Mexico, one of the largest cities of the pre-Columbian Americas, Teotihuacan, is in its glory.

In South America, the Moche civilization is now thriving, making Andean urban culture new heights.

The world map below shows how much things have altered over the last 1.8 thousand years.

A world political map (200 AD)

In the year 200 AD, there were only 33 countries on the world map.

– Armenia
– Caucasian Albania
– Roman Empire
– Sarmatians

Middle East
– Parthian Empire
– Himyarites

South Asia
– Ceras
– Cholas
– Chutus
– Kalinga
– Kushan Empire
– Pandyas
– Lambakannas
– Saka Western Satrps
– Satavahana

Southeast Asia
– Arakan
– Funana
– Lin-yi
– Mon cities
– Srivijaya

East Asia
– Baekje
– Buyeo
– Dongye
– Goguryeo
– Hun Empire
– Japan
– Okjeo
– Kaya
– Silla

– Aksum
– Kush

Central America
– Maya
– Teotihuacan Empire

How many of this map’s boundaries are yet with us nowadays?

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2 years ago

this is very interesting i loved it very much i love to read this every day and my fav part is the map because i think it is very much cool like i can not explain how coll and awsome this is i love this so much and i love that you colored some parts of the map did you know that i love colors and this is soooooo cool you are the best person in the world i would give you 1 million dollars if i could but i dont have a million dollars so i cant im so so so sorry please forgive me like im so sorry dont get mad at me but i love this so much the map is awsome.

Nathan Beight
Nathan Beight
1 year ago

This is a really good map but one issue is I do have trouble seeing the empires on the map due to blur but other than that this helped me with my homework, this a realtivily good map

Last edited 1 year ago by Nathan Beight
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