

Mapped: Africa’s Transport System

Africa’s transport system is diverse, reflecting the continent’s vast size, varied landscapes, and economic disparities. While some regions boast well-developed transportation infrastructure, including modern highways, railways, and airports, others face challenges such as inadequate road networks and limited access to transportation services.

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High-speed rail network in Europe

The high-speed rail network in Europe stands as a testament to the continent’s commitment to efficient and sustainable transportation infrastructure. Spanning across multiple countries, this interconnected web of high-speed rail lines represents a pioneering effort to enhance connectivity, reduce travel times, and promote environmental sustainability. The European high-speed rail system is renowned for its technological advancements, seamless integration, and widespread accessibility.

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The U.S. states and cities with the worst drivers

Everyone who has been driving long enough has felt like the lone wise driver in an ocean of freaks. In one research confirming our tendency to overestimate our own driving skill, 70.1% of drivers declared that they were better-than-average drivers – a statistical improbability. While it is easy to understand why most motorists may observe themselves as above average, it is less easy to figure out if they are correct.

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The Most Stressful Cities for Commuting in the US and UK

NYC has America’s most anxious commute, with negativity in 45% of Twitter posts reporting commutes. West Virginia (45%), New Jersey (43.1%), and Rhode Island (42.9%) were the most troublesome US states for commuting. Meanwhile, in the UK, inhabitants of Chelmsford have the most nervous trip to work. 46.9% of Tweets about commuting here contain negative opinions. Despite being one of the nearest boroughs to central London, 42.5% of Lewisham locals found their journey tedious.

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