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Corruption perceptions index (2016)

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Corruption perceptions index (2016)

Over two-thirds of the 176 countries and territories in this year’s index fall below the midpoint of our scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). The global average score is a paltry 43, indicating endemic corruption in a country’s public sector. Top-scoring countries (yellow in the map) are far outnumbered by orange and red countries where citizens face the tangible impact of corruption on a daily basis.

1. Denmark
1. New Zealand
3. Finland
4. Sweden
5. Switzerland
6. Norway
7. Singapore
8. Netherlands
9. Canada
10. Germany
10. Luxembourg
10. United Kingdom
13. Australia

18. Unites States

23. France

174. North Korea
175. South Sudan
176. Somalia

Via transparency.org

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