Cultural cartographyMaps of World Religions

Global Map of circumcision by country

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Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the penis. The procedure is most often performed on children for religious or cultural reasons. Moreover, it may be done as a treatment for certain medical conditions.

Approximately 38 percent of males worldwide are circumcised, about 50 percent for religious or cultural reasons.

Circumcision is most common in the Muslim world. Despite this, in some non-Muslim countries such as Israel (91.7% of males), South Korea (77.0), the United States (71.2%), most of the male population is circumcised.

The global map below created by shows the percentage of males who are circumcised in every country.

circumcision in the world

In many countries, circumcision is performed not for religion but for medical reasons. So in the U.S., about 71 percent of men are circumcised. It had been trending down by 0.3% to 07.% per year until the beginning of 2010s. Beginning in 2012, circumcision rates began to rise again after the American Academy of Pediatrics issued their most recent circumcision policy report stating that the “benefits” of the procedure “surpassed the risks.”

But the debate about the benefits and harms of pruning never ceases. Many scientists believe that the foreskin plays a crucial role in sending signals to the central nervous system, which regulates and controls and helps regulate orgasm.

The map below shows circumcision rates by U.S. State.

Circumcision in the United States

The highest circumcision rates in the United States are in the Midwest (Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio) – all reporting rates exceeding 80 percent. The lowest rates are in the Southwest of the United States (Arizona, California, and Nevada) – all reporting rates below 25 percent.

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Jorg Aadahl
Jorg Aadahl
2 years ago

Recommended book: “Dear Editor & Beyond” from Amazon
Several interesting chapters against circumcision, – the cruelest cut!

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