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Percentage of Millennials in Eastern Europe Who Say Homosexuality Should Not Be Accepted By Society

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Percentage of Millennials in Eastern Europe Who Say Homosexuality Should Not Be Accepted By Society

Source: lursh123

The highest percentage of opponents of same-sex relationships was registered in Armenia.

“Homosexuality is seen as tantamount to pedophilia in Armenia. It’s simply not on the cards as a conversation topic, the taboo is too strong. The only hope is a combination of brave individuals taking a stand for themselves and coming out, positive influencing coming from the diaspora (which is still very homophobic itself), and perhaps some of the developments being made in Tbilisi coming across the border. 

None of these factors seem very potent at the moment, and progress will be glacial in the meantime. Naturally, this is all a byproduct of geography. A landlocked Asian state masquerading as an Eastern European democracy in the process of integrating with the EU will always look completely out of place in a survey like this.”

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