
Historical MapsHumanity

Who were the ancient Egyptians?

The ancient Egyptians were a civilization that flourished along the banks of the Nile River in northeastern Africa for thousands of years, with a history spanning from around 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. They left an indelible mark on human history through achievements in architecture, art, science, and governance. The ancient Egyptian society was structured, and its cultural and religious practices played a significant role in shaping daily life.

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Subway Map of Human Anatomy

The structure of our body is very complex, and it is challenging for someone without a medical background to understand how the various systems of the human body function, even if you have an atlas of anatomy handy. What if we tried to create an even easier-to-understand visualization of the human body?

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Average Body Hair Distributions

Androgenic (body) hair is the terminal hair that grows on the body beginning to puberty period. It is distinguished from the head hair and less noticeable vellus hair that is much finer and lighter in color. The growth of androgenic hair is linked to androgens’ level and the density of androgen receptors in mesenchymal cells in the skin.

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Ethnic mapsHumanity

World map of Y-DNA Haplogroups

Y-DNA haplogroups provide a fascinating glimpse into the ancient migrations of human populations and their spread across the world. These haplogroups are determined by variations in the Y chromosome, which is passed down from fathers to their sons. By analyzing these genetic markers, scientists can trace the ancestral lineages of different populations and understand how they dispersed over millennia.

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