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The real size of Brazilian states compared to other countries

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The real size of Brazilian states compared to other countries

Acre (164.123 km²) — Nepal (147.181km²)
Alagoas (27.778 km²)  — Haiti (27.750km²)
Amapá (142.828 km²)  — Tajikistan (143.100 km²)
Amazonas (1.559.159 km²)  — Mongolia (1.566.000 km²)
Bahia (564.733 km²)  — France (643.801 km²)
Ceará (148.920 km²)  — Greece (131.957 km²)
Distrito Federal (5.779 km²)  — Trinidad and Tobago (5.131 km²)
Espírito Santo (46.095 km²)  — Switzerland (41.285 km²)
Goiás (340.111 km²)  — Finland (338.424 km²)
Maranhão (331.937 km²)  — Italy (301.338 km²)
Mato Grosso (903.366 km²)  — Venezuela (916.445 km²)
Mato Grosso do Sul (357.145 km²)  — Germany (357.168 km²)
Minas Gerais (586.522 km²)  — Spain (504.645 km²)
Pará (1.247.954 km²)  — Angola (1.247.000 km²)
Paraíba (56.585 km²)  — Croatia (56.594 km²)
Paraná (199.307 km²)  — Senegal (196.712 km²)
Pernambuco (98.311 km²)  — Portugal (92.212 km²)
Piauí (251.577 km²)  — Guinea (245.836 km²)
Rio de Janeiro (43.780 km²)  — Denmark (42.925 km²)
Rio Grande do Norte (52.811 km²)  — Bosnia (51.197 km²)
Rio Grande do Sul (281.730 km²)  — Ecuador (283.560 km²)
Rondônia (237.590 km²)  — Laos (236.800 km²)
Roraima (224.300 km²)  — Guiana (214.970 km²)
Santa Catarina (95.736 km²)  — Hungary (93.030 km²)
São Paulo (248.222 km²)  — United Kingdom (243.610 km²)
Sergipe (21.915 km²)  — Israel (20.770 km²)
Tocantins (277.720 km²)  — New Zealand (268.021 km²)


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