Climate Change

How long ago was the hottest and coldest year on record?

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The hottest years on record globally have occurred in recent times, with years like 2016, 2019, and 2020 being among the warmest due to the ongoing trend of global warming.

In North America, recent years such as 2012, 2016, and 2020 have been exceptionally warm. Similarly, Europe has experienced some of its warmest years in recent history, with 2019 and 2020 standing out.

Australia faced extreme heat in recent years, with 2019 being one of the hottest years recorded.

Various Asian countries also have reported record heat in recent years, including 2019 and 2020.

World maps below created by @Neilrkaye shows number of years since it was a “record hottest year” and “record coldest year”.

These maps clearly illustrate that the most of the hottest records were not so many years ago. While the coldest records are in full opposite.

The following map shows that in most countries of the world, highest temperatures are registered later than lowest temperatures.

Which temperature record was registered late, the hottest or the coldest.

You can learn more about global warming from the following books:

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Shelley Le Roy
Shelley Le Roy
6 years ago

This map is clearly wrong. How many examples are needed for it to be fixed. Record for Alabama was set in 1925. Death Valley record for USA is even older,1912.

Corey Dennison
Corey Dennison
6 years ago
Reply to  Shelley Le Roy

Agreed. Especially with respect to the record cold temp map.

6 years ago
Reply to  Shelley Le Roy

They aren’t specifying a single day, they are saying as an average over a year.

6 years ago

Now update it to show the records set during the 2019 Polar Vortex event across most of the United States.

old doc
old doc
6 years ago

You realize that a lot of those areas colored dark red, for hot, especially in Africa, have few, or no temperature monitors?
The temperatures are “implied”
Fake data!

6 years ago

What they don’t show, nor could they,is how the average temperatures for 1997 and 2003 and other benchmark years have been “adjusted” down to make the current temps more extreme than they truly are. If you look at the raw data from those years you see it isn’t as extreme and in some cases cooler. But what do i know. I am just a guy looking at numbers on a screen.

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