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Changing views of the US in the EU (2016 – 2017)

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Percentage point change in those who held a positive view of the United States.

Views of the United States
Reddit user bezzieford, Data: Eurobarometer 2017


Trump and his policies are unpopular in the European Union.



– The country with the biggest increase in positive view was Hungary (8% more positive in 2017 than 2016).
– The country with the biggest decrease was Malta (34% decrease over this one year in people who saw the United States in a positive view).
– Poland saw the US in the most positive view (79%) followed closely by Lithuania and Romania.
– 10 countries had a majority who saw the US in a positive view.
– Germany saw the United States in the least positive light (22%), followed closely by Luxembourg and France. 10 countries had a majority who saw the U.S. in a negative view.
– In the survey there were three options: positive, negative, and “Don’t know”. The least decisive when it came to an opinion of the US were Malta (17%), Slovakia, and Estonia.
– The most decisive were Belgium (99% gave an opinion), Netherlands and Sweden (in both 98% had an opinion).
– Overall opinion of the US in the EU fell by 16%. Overall, 45% of EU citizens saw the US in a positive light. 48% saw it in a negative light.

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