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Map: Where Europeans Lay Claim to their Neighboring Countries

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At the end of 2020, the Pew Research Center published the results of a poll that is becoming relevant in light of recent events, Russia’s attack on Ukraine. One of the questions in that survey was about their attitudes towards territorial claims in neighboring countries. When questioned, “if there are parts of neighboring countries that really belong to us,” 67% of Hungarians polled by Pew Research Center agreed. Greece (60%), Turkey (58%), Bulgaria (58%), and Russia (53%) also had a high agreement.

According to another survey conducted by Gallup, some of these countries have a high percentage of residents willing to fight for their country.

Where Europeans Lay Claim to their Neighboring Countries Maped

Despite mindsets altering drastically in recent years, 3 out of 10 Germans still feel some of their neighbor’s territory belongs to their country, while in the UK, the share feeling the same is less but still 23%. Canada and the United States had shares of agreement at 25% and 19% percent, respectively.

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Henry Schump
Henry Schump
2 years ago

Maybe the map should have shown the disputed territories as well as the popular support for these claims.

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