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Mapping 6 Years of American Television News

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A choropleth map visualizing the total number of times each country in the world has been mentioned on American television news shows monitored by the Internet Archive over the last 6 years

A choropleth map visualizing the total number of times each country in the world has been mentioned on American television news shows monitored by the Internet Archive over the last 6 years.

An animated daily map of American television news (2009 – 2016)

An animated daily map of American television news (2009 - 2016)

A city-level look at 6 years of American television

A city-level look at 6 years of American television

Animation of all city-level locations mentioned in  BBC (orange/yellow) and New York Times (green) during March 2015 in 15 minute increments

Animation of all city-level locations mentioned in  BBC (orange/yellow) and New York Times (green) during March 2015 in 15 minute increments

Via gdeltproject.org (1, 2, 3) & forbes.com

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