
Number of Venomous Animals

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Many animal species produce chemical venoms to kill or incapacitate prey or protect against predators. Such animals actively deliver their venom to their victim through a specially developed tool, such as a sting or bite or sting.

Mexico, with 80 species, has the most venomous animals, followed by Brazil, with 79, and Australia, with just 66 species.

Number of Venomous Animals by Country

World map of the number of venomous animals

Colombia, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam also have numerous venomous species (over 50). But the highest death rate from venomous animals (5.62 deaths per 100,000) is registered in Somalia. For comparison, the death rate from venomous animals in Mexico is 0.25 per 100,000.

On the contrary, Canada, Chile, Europe, Central Asia, Korea, and Madagascar are at the other extreme, with fewer than ten species per country.

Number of Venomous Animals by State

In the United States, Arizona has the highest number of venomous animals. In this state, since 2000, was registered 95 fatal attacks. The most dangerous animals in Arizona are venomous arthropods.

Number of Venomous Animals by State
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