Ethnic maps

Ethnic map of Africa

The ethnic map of Africa is a complex mosaic reflecting the continent’s rich diversity. Africa is home to a vast array of ethnic groups, each with its distinct languages, cultures, and traditions. The distribution of ethnicities is intricately linked to historical migrations, geographical features, and political boundaries.

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Cultural cartographyEconomic maps

A comprehensive guide to tipping in 162 countries, mapped

To tip or not to tip – that is the question. Whether or not you hand extra money to a bellhop or round up the eatery bill often relies on a country’s local traditions. For instance, if you live in the United States, you know that tipping is pretty much always expected by specific employees in the service industry, like bartenders and servers, who usually rely on tips to make up the prevalence of their earnings. In other nations, like Japan, staff will probably see a tip as insulting.

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Historical Maps

European exploration of North America Mapped

During the Age of Exploration in the late 15th to 18th centuries, European powers embarked on expeditions to North America, driven by a quest for new trade routes, wealth, and strategic advantages. Christopher Columbus’s 1492 voyage under the Spanish flag marked the beginning of European interaction with the continent. Subsequent explorers, including those from England and France, ventured into North America, leading to territorial claims and cultural exchanges with indigenous populations. The exploration had far-reaching consequences, influencing the course of colonization, trade, and cultural dynamics on the continent.

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Economic Output in American Cities

The economic output of American metropolitan areas, examined through the lenses of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP per capita, provides a comprehensive perspective on the regional economic dynamics and living standards. These metropolitan hubs play a pivotal role in shaping the overall economic landscape of the United States.

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The Most Uniquely Popular Word on Each Country’s Wikipedia Page Mapped

Every country’s Wikipedia page is filled with important information detailing the nation’s economy, culture, and geography. Still, the world continues to read and represent itself on Wikipedia. There are 27 countries with hundreds of millions of monthly page views each (the U.S. and Japan are top, with three and one billion, respectively). Even in China, where Chinese-language Wikipedia is banned, the website counts over three million monthly hits.

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