Historical Maps

Historical maps showing territorial changes of countries and historical events of the past.
Historical Maps

The Gulag Archipelago (The Soviet forced labor camp system)

The Gulag camp system united 53 camp administrations with thousands of camp departments, 425 сorrective labor colonies, and more than 2,000 special commandants’ offices. In total, the Gulag included over 30,000 places of detention. On January 1, 1939, almost 1.99 million prisoners were held in the camps, colonies, and prisons of the Gulag, and by 1950 the number of prisoners had increased to 2.5 million people.

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GermanyHistorical MapsOld maps

Partition of Germany

The situation in Germany after the Second World War was disastrous. Millions of Germans were homeless from Allied bombing operations that demolished entire cities. And millions more Germans living in Poland and East Prussia became exiles when the USSR exiled them. With the German economy and governance in shambles, the Allies decided that Germany must be occupied after the war to guarantee a peaceful transformation to a post-Nazi state.

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