Most threatened mammals in the world
26% of the world’s mammals are threatened. The map above shows the 4 countries with over 90 threatened mammal species
Read More26% of the world’s mammals are threatened. The map above shows the 4 countries with over 90 threatened mammal species
Read MoreThe 10 least corrupt countries: 1. New Zealand 2. Denmark 3. Finland, Norway, Switzerland 4. Singapore, Sweden 5. The United Kingdom,
Read MorePercentage of respondents in each country claiming to be either not religious or atheist.
Read MoreThe density of the road network is closely correlated with population density and, thus, with the degree of urbanization. The
Read MoreСarbon dioxide levels differ in the northern and southern hemispheres and distinct swings in global CO2 concentrations as the growth
Read MoreThe United States Hispanic population reached 57 million. The Hispanic population still accounted for more than half (54.2%) of total
Read MoreThe Low Countries is a coastal region in northwestern Europe, consisting especially of the Netherlands and Belgium, and the low-lying
Read MorePremature birth is the biggest contributor to the infant mortality rate. Other leading causes of infant mortality are birth asphyxia,
Read MoreWomen are also more likely than men to have work interruptions due to childcare responsibilities. Across the European Union, more
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