Half of Europe’s Jews live in the red areas
Jewish population in European cities in 1939 Jewish population in European cities in 2015
Read MoreJewish population in European cities in 1939 Jewish population in European cities in 2015
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Read MoreIrish is a Goidelic language of the Insular Celtic branch of the Celtic language family. The Irish language is indigenous to the island of Ireland and was the population’s 1st language until the 19th century, when English slowly became prevalent, especially in the last decades of the century.
Read MoreThis map shows NYPD Crime Data for the Seven Major Felonies. The data have “Compstat Dates” from January 2015 thru
Read MoreThe Gulag camp system united 53 camp administrations with thousands of camp departments, 425 сorrective labor colonies, and more than 2,000 special commandants’ offices. In total, the Gulag included over 30,000 places of detention. On January 1, 1939, almost 1.99 million prisoners were held in the camps, colonies, and prisons of the Gulag, and by 1950 the number of prisoners had increased to 2.5 million people.
Read MoreBasque is the last remaining pre-lndo-European language in Western Europe. Despite many attempts, no relationship with any other language has
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