Historical Maps

Historical maps showing territorial changes of countries and historical events of the past.
Historical Maps

The Armenian Genocide

The Armenian genocide, also known as the Armenian Holocaust, was the systematic extermination and deportation of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It is estimated that between 1915 and 1923, approximately 1.5 million Armenians were killed, with many others forcibly displaced from their homes

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Cultural cartographyHistorical Maps

Where Roman coins have been found in Europe

Roman currency comprised gold, silver, bronze, orichalcum, and copper coins. From its introduction to the Roman Republic, during the 3rd century B.C., well into Imperial times, Roman currency saw numerous changes in form, denomination, and composition. A persistent trait was the inflationary debasement and replacement of coins over the times. Well-known examples of this followed the reformations of Diocletian.

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