
The Most Stressful Cities for Commuting in the US and UK

NYC has America’s most anxious commute, with negativity in 45% of Twitter posts reporting commutes. West Virginia (45%), New Jersey (43.1%), and Rhode Island (42.9%) were the most troublesome US states for commuting. Meanwhile, in the UK, inhabitants of Chelmsford have the most nervous trip to work. 46.9% of Tweets about commuting here contain negative opinions. Despite being one of the nearest boroughs to central London, 42.5% of Lewisham locals found their journey tedious.

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Historical Maps

Medieval universities in Europe

Medieval universities in Europe were key institutions of higher learning that emerged during the Middle Ages, roughly spanning from the 5th to the 15th century. These institutions laid the foundation for modern education systems and played a crucial role in shaping various fields of study, religious thought, and societal structures.

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