Linguistic maps

Distribution of the Sino-Tibetan Languages Mapped

The Sino-Tibetan language family is one of the largest language families in the world, comprising hundreds of languages and dialects. While estimates vary, it’s generally agreed upon that there are over 400 individual languages within the Sino-Tibetan family. These languages are primarily spoken across East Asia, Southeast Asia, and parts of South Asia, with Chinese being the most widely spoken member of the family.

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Ethnic maps

Indigenous Ethnic and Linguistic Groups of California Before European Arrival

The Indigenous ethnic and linguistic groups of California before European arrival represented a complex mosaic of cultures, languages, and traditions, shaped by millennia of history and interaction with their environment. Their legacy continues to influence contemporary California society and serves as a reminder of the richness and diversity of Indigenous cultures in the region.

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Historical MapsWars

Bombing During World War II

According to the United States Strategic Bombing Survey, the Allies dropped 2.7 million tons of bombs on continental Europe. Half this total went to Germany, 21.8% to France, and 13.7% to Italy, the remaining 14.2% being partitioned between Austria, Hungary, the Balkans, Belgium, Scandinavia, and the Low Countries. The Royal Air Force did 45.8% of the Allies’ bombing, the United States Air Forces 54.2%.

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